As long as you pay a fixed monthly fee, you can insert yourself into anyone you want: female trainers, female customers, receptionists, and anyone else!

Originaler Titel: HUNTB-723 だれとでも定額挿れ放題 トレーニングジム編 月々定額料金さえ支払えば、女性トレーナー、女性客、受付嬢、誰でも挿れ放題!

The training gym was far from the station, had few machines, was not well equipped, and its membership was dwindling. The number of members was decreasing! The gym owner introduced a system, and the number of members increased dramatically! For a monthly fee, members could have unlimited sex with any woman in the gym, including female trainers, customers, and receptionists! A dream gym where you can train both your body and your penis was born!