HMN-408 Ich Sah Die Szene Einer Angebeteten Lehrerin, Die Eine Affäre Hatte, Ich Wurde überfallen, Zurückgeschickt Und Erpresst, Um Zu Cumming Sora Amakawa
Originaler Titel: HMN-408 憧れの担任女教師の不倫現場を見てしまった僕は 待ち伏せ出戻り脅迫中出ししてしまった 天川そら
I love my homeroom teacher, Sora-sensei, and I used to masturbate with her every day. One day at school, I saw Sora-sensei and Kuroi, the math teacher, and felt a strange atmosphere. I had a bad feeling that it might be the two of them. The next day, I saw Kuroi coming out of a love hotel. I was so frustrated that I ambushed her, threatened her, and went back to the love hotel with Sora-sensei, and we fucked and fucked and fucked and fucked! Since that day, Sora-sensei has been my go-to girl at school every day.