MIUM-763 Gutes Gesicht! Gute Rille! Guter Körper! Sie Ist Ein Fünf-Sterne-Super-Erotik-GAL! Ihr Empfindliches Fötzchen Spritzt Immer Und Kommt Zum Höhepunkt! Die Größte Koreanische Stadt In Japan, Gefickt Bis Zum Morgen! Der Einzige Weg Zu Gewinnen Ist Zu Trinken! Die Größte Koreanische Stadt In Japan!
Play: [1st round] Changing into swimsuit, making out in bathroom, (she) nipple torture, foot licking, foot job, hand job, titjob, titjob, cunnilingus, finger massage, vacuum sucking, standing back up, one leg up standing back, rear sitting position, rear cowgirl position, back up, facing up, facing cowgirl position, normal position Bukkake, cleaning blowjob& hand job, face-to-face cowgirl position (2nd round). The second round: Changing into lingerie in the bedroom, breast massage, breast licking, cunnilingus, finger fuck, squirting, anal licking, vacuum sucking, (she) anal licking & hand job, rear sitting position, standing back, side position, back, rear side position, normal position, face shot, cleaning blowjob & hand job. Synopsis: This plan is to talk to girls who are drinking at an izakaya, ask them about their problems and personalities, and then aim to take them home without a second thought. Today's drunken girl is "Aya-chan" who was captured in Shin-Okubo!