TPPN-116 Völlig Erschossen, Fesseln, Die Sich In Die Verschwitzte Haut Fressen, Sex, Der Durch Die Unfähigkeit, Sich Zu Bewegen, Erregt Wird. Kapitel 4 - Yuu Shinoda, Anju Akane, Riho Kodaka

Originaler Titel: TPPN-116 完全撮り下ろし 汗ばむ肌に喰い込む拘束具、身動き不能で覚醒する性。第4章 篠田ゆう あかね杏珠 小高里保

This is the fourth chapter of the popular iron plate series in which three beautiful women are restrained and their hidden M-ness is released. The three beauties selected this time are Yuu Shinoda, Anzu Akane, and Riho Odaka. All of them are restrained so much that they cannot move their arms and legs, and are treated as super high-class meat pawns. The sweat, love juices, and semen from these women, who find pleasure in this extreme state of bondage, make their bodies intensely wet. The three women experience true pleasure as they climax.