EBOD-357 Fickraum. Ein Blick In Ein Zimmer In Einem Mehrfamilienhaus, Das Den Ganzen Tag über Unablässig Von Männern Besucht Wird. Mizuki Akai.
Originaler Titel: EBOD-357 ヤリ部屋。 ひっきりなしに男が訪れるマンションの一室を終日覗き見る。 赤井美月
All mankind are brothers. What is mine is everyone's. My body belongs to everyone. Sneak peeks all day long in a room of a condominium that is visited by boys incessantly. She introduces herself to his senior while fucking him. She calls her boyfriend and has sex with him without taking a shower, and says, "My boyfriend won't be home until morning anyway..." Tissues on the floor, condoms... The wreckage of sexual intercourse accumulates in the room.