COGM-052 Ich Kann Meiner Schwester Noch Verzeihen, Dass Sie Nackt Ist, Aber Sie Masturbiert überall, Was Sehr Nervig Ist.
A new label is now available at Koguma! Its name is Organic INRAN! The theme is "What if there is such a perverted girl in everyday life! My sister is naked. That's still acceptable. I've heard a lot about it. But she is also a masturbation addict. I'm not lying. She masturbates on a daily basis, to the point where if she doesn't touch her pussy on a daily basis, she's probably going to die. But I am a college student. My sister works to make ends meet, so I can't say anything. I know I should say something as a brother, but I can't say anything because I get aroused when I see her doing it. If I warn him and he says, "Oh, yes. I understand. I would be sad. While I was in agony, my sister asked me to help her masturbate. What am I going to do? I'm almost a virgin!