VEC-605 Mutter, Die Gerade Gelernt Hatte, Sex Zu Haben, Und Von Dem Freund Ihres Sohnes, Der Vor Sexuellem Verlangen Explodierte, Lange Zum Abspritzen Gebracht Wurde Chinatsu Shinzan

Originaler Titel: VEC-605 セックス覚えたてで性欲爆発中の息子の友達に延々イカされ続けた母 新山ちなつ

When Chinatsu finds out that her son's friend happens to be a virgin, her mischievous spirit is aroused and she performs on him. She is so happy to have taken away the first time from the cute virgin that her son's friend appears to her again.... I just can't forget about my aunt. Can I do it again?" Chinatsu is continuously being fucked by the strong and powerful cock without regard to whether her son is there or not...