GRMO-022 Hotel-Voyeurismus Ein Bandmitglied Und Ein Weiblicher Fan Treffen Sich Nach Einem Live-Konzert Zu Einem Verbotenen Geheimtreffen Und Beginnen Mit Cosplay-Sex, Nur Zu Zweit.

Originaler Titel: GRMO-022 ホテル盗撮 バンドマンとファンの女が、ライブ後禁断の密会をしコスプレSEXで二人きりの打ち上げ

A man who is a band member on tour and a woman who seems to be his fan. Apparently, they often meet in secret and get intoxicated by the intense and intimate acts that cross the line. The band member is forced to bring cosplay costumes and adult toys, and the woman does whatever the band member wants to do. Still, it seems that nothing beats the pleasure of monopolizing the man who was cheering on stage just a few minutes ago...