GRMO-003 Sneak Peeks Von Paaren, Liebhabern Im Rausch Des Sexuellen Verlangens, Die Sich Sofort Treffen Wollen, Sobald Sie Sich Sehen Und Erst Seit Kurzem Zusammen Sind.

Originaler Titel: GRMO-003 カップル盗撮 会うなりすぐしたくなる、付き合って間もない性欲盛りの恋人たち

It seems that the guy goes to the girl's room on the weekends, and they start flirting as soon as they meet, even though they have only been dating for a short time. They come home late and try to eat some cup noodles, but they can't wait for 3 minutes and start touching each other.... The woman happily sucks on her boyfriend's magnificent penis, and the man, who can't help but let out a scream as his erection is about to burst.... This is a happy weekend.