GRMO-120 Hotelvoyeurismus Eine Schmutzige Junge Frau Trifft Sich Heimlich Mit Einem Berühmten, Hinterhältigen Mann, Versteckt Ihre Ehe Und Lässt Sich Von Einem Fremden An Der Stange Anfassen, Wonach Sie Sich Sehnt.
Originaler Titel: GRMO-120 ホテル盗撮 有名裏垢男子と既婚を隠して密会し、憧れの他人棒にイキ狂うスケベな若妻
A sexless young wife, who sees the sexually uninhibited backstreet community shining through, is unable to suppress her desire and successfully makes an appointment with a famous backstreet man, hiding her marriage. However, the man with a hundred years of experience sees through her lie and offers to have sex with her while wearing a ring. The young wife is so wet with anticipation because she hasn't had sex in a long time that she forgets her husband's face and goes crazy.