OPPW-144 Weibliches Kind All Die Gruseligen Männer Warteten Auf Mich An Dem Ort, An Dem Ich Dachte, Ich Könnte Schnelles Geld Verdienen... Chibitori.

Originaler Titel: OPPW-144 メスガキ サクッと稼げると思っていた先に待っていたのは全員キモイ男だった… ちびとり

A man who mediates runaway girls and a woman who wants to earn money for fun. When they go to the room, it is a dirty room... Chibitori is pleased to be given an envelope with a sash attached. What appeared there was a group of creepy old men. The men were so excited to see the frightened Chibitori that they played with her, and she was covered in drool and stink all over her face. I'm sorry, please forgive me." She cried out, but they would not help her. I found their cute dolls.