Happy New Year S1 Super Luxury Hime Hajime BEST 2023 Superb 12-hour grab bag special packed with 100 titles of masterpieces from Japan's NO.1 Maker

Originaler Titel: OFJE-393 謹賀新年 S1 超豪華姫始めBEST 2023 日本NO.1メーカーの名作100タイトルを詰め込んだ極上福袋12時間スペシャル

Thank you for your continued support of S1 this year. As a token of our appreciation, we are pleased to offer you the best of the finest grab bag for 2023. This is a long 720-minute super bargain packed with 100 works from Japan's No. 1 makers! And an impressive best that includes 10 user-favorite royal road themes! Debut, NTR, Lascivious, Paizuri, or...? You'll have to wait until you buy it to find out which one is included! This is already.........a pleasure for your dick!