DASS-220 Als Ich Morgens Aufwachte, Fand Ich Eine Kollegin Von Mir In Unterwäsche In Ihrem Zimmer! Sie Schimpft Immer über Mich Und Ist Immer Frech, Aber Sie Verdirbt Es Mir... Shuri Mitani

Originaler Titel: DASS-220 朝起きたら部屋に下着姿の同期女子社員! いつも生意気で悪態ばかりついてくるのに、甘えてきたので… 美谷朱里

HHH Group "ROYAL" x Das! Collaboration work. When he wakes up in the morning, his classmate Mitani is sleeping in her underwear next to him! Why is this guy...? I was so drunk that I have no memory at all! Then Mitani wakes up and says, "We had sex yesterday! I had sex with you yesterday! No way! Why does the normally nagging Mitani look so happy? I couldn't contain my excitement when she asked for my dick again...