JUQ-272 Ich Habe Die Schwester Meiner Frau, Die Mir Mit Verächtlichem Blick Vorwarf, Sie Zu Betrügen, So Lange Zum Wichsen Gebracht, Bis Sie Sagte: 'Ich Kann Nicht Mehr'. Nao Jinguji

Originaler Titel: JUQ-272 浮気した俺を軽蔑した目で咎める妻の妹を「もう無理」と言うまでイカせ続けた。 神宮寺ナオ

Nao's pregnant sister asks her to take care of her brother-in-law, Yoshio, while he is hospitalized for tests. Then, by chance, she sees Yoshio walking with a stranger. She is upset when Yoshio tries to cheat on her during her sister's difficult time. Is any woman good enough for you?" Yoshio is so aroused by Nao's abusive attitude that he shuts her up to prevent her from speaking. Nao is humiliated and repeatedly made to cum while experiencing a frustration that makes her want to kill him...