CAWD-428 Sieben Tage Auf Der Rückreise Nach Hause, Als Sie Im Tröstenden Und Intensiven Sex Ihres Großkotzigen, Ehebrecherischen Schwiegervaters Ertrank, Mit Ihrem Sexlosen Ehemann Von Zwei Jahren An Ihrer Seite Maisuki Ito.
Originaler Titel: CAWD-428 2年間セックスレスな夫を横目に巨根絶倫義父の慰め濃密セックスに溺れた帰省中の7日間 伊藤舞雪
If only you had taken care of me...if only you had taken care of me, I would never have made love with my father-in-law...I haven't seen him in two years, and when I finally got up the courage to ask him out, he didn't take me...I wanted to go on a trip, but I went back to my husband's parents' house. I wanted to go on a trip, but he went back to his parents' house... He left my father-in-law and me and went out with his old friends... He's too selfish. My father-in-law comforted me when I was sad and lonely... I should have hated it, but his big penis was too stimulating, even though it shouldn't have been. I was so frustrated that I accepted my father-in-law again and again and again...